Cricket Ireland has today announced a new structure for its international and elite domestic scorers.
Stella Downes, Scorers Officer for Cricket Ireland, said:
“Over the past couple of years, we have been working on developing a “pathway” for scorers - similar to the pathway that now exists for umpires. This has really gathered momentum, with winter training having over 200 people doing scoring courses. Naturally, some of these people are ambitious and would like to score at our highest levels.
“With the rapidly increasing volume of fixtures at representative level across Ireland, it’s important that we have enough suitably qualified scorers. The new pathway that we have developed features three panels: International, First-class and Representative.
“The International panel consists of three contracted scorers who form the basis for the scoring team at international games. The First-Class panel undertakes some international scoring, but mainly adult inter-provincial matches. The Representative panel focuses mainly on youth representative matches. Obviously, there is some crossover between panels.
“Scorers at club level are recommended by people already on panels and their progress is monitored.”
Scoring Panels 2024
Stella Downes – Clontarf
Andrew Mooney - YMCA
David Irvine – Cregagh
Emma Macbeth – St Johnston
First Class
Helen Caird - Phoenix
Ronan Cruise – North Kildare
Sarah Keates - Muckamore
Helen McConaghy - Instonians
Mary McElwee - Ballyspallen
Angela Mooney- North County
Murray Power - Instonians
Dermot Ward - Ardmore
Carol Clark – Ards & Donaghadee
Judy Cohen – Railway Union
Edward Gash – Cork Harlequins
Aoife O’Brien – Railway Union
James Martin – Leinster
Glory George – North County
Madeline Lynch - Terenure